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"龍獅文化" 集郵品

Intangible Cultural Heritage
"Dragon and Lion Dance"
Philatelic Products Special Stamps

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The Legend of the Fiery Dragon

THFDHC 2021 Official Trailer



THFDHC 2021 Full Version Official Trailer



Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance



move man dragon

LATE THFD Chief Commander
Mr. Chan Tak Fai MH
‘Bearer of the THFD Dance’
on the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

‘Bearer of the THFD Dance’


中秋節 (大坑舞火龍)








日期: 202491618
時間: 晚上約7:3010:30
地點: 銅鑼灣大坑
查詢: +852 2577 2649 / +852 2577 2640
網址: http://www.taihangfiredragon.hk

Date: 16-18 Septemeber 2024
Time: Around 7:30pm–10:30pm,
(16-18 September)
Around 10:30pm–11:30pm,
(17 September )
Venue: Tai Hang, Causeway Bay
(Best vantage point: Wun Sha Street)
See the parade route map
Enquiry: +852 2577 2649 / +852 2577 2640
Website: http://www.taihangfiredragon.hk



查詢: +852 2577 2649
+852 2577-2640
網址: www.taihangfiredragon.hk

備註: 917日晚上約10:3011:30,鄰近的維多利亞公園亦會舉行舞火龍活動。


Enquiry: +852 2577 2649
+852 2577 2640
Website: www.taihangfiredragon.hk

Note: On 17 September, the performance will also be held at Victoria Park at around 10:30–11:30pm.


如何前往: 維多利亞公園:從港鐵鑼灣站E出口,沿記利佐治街步行前往;或從港鐵天后站A2出口,左轉由興發街入口進入公園。
Direction: Victoria Park: MTR Causeway Bay Station Exit E, walk along Great George Street to the park; or MTR Tin Hau Station Exit A2, turn left at exit and enter the park from Hing Fat Street.


天 氣

黃色amber/紅色red 暴雨警告信號check活動如常
​ 1t1號及3號t3 熱帶氣旋警告check活動如常

備 註:
● 下午6時前如黑色check暴雨警告
/8號t8 或以上熱帶氣旋警告解除,

● 最終決定以大會安排為準。

Tropical Cyclone signal and rainstorm
warning guidelines

At 6 pm on the day of the event,
the Hong Kong Observatory
still issue the Tropical Cyclone signal
warning and rainstorm warning arrangement :

Yellowamber / Redred rainstorm warning signal check
Event as usual Tropical Cyclone WARNING
1 t1AND 3 t3checkEvent as usual Blackcheck
rainstorm warning signal WRONG Event cancel
8t8 or above tropical cyclone warning WRONG Event cancel

● the event is check held as usual under the
circumstances that the black checkrainstorm
warning / No 8 t8signal or above tropical cyclone
warning is either removed before 6 pm on the day
● The final decision is subject to the discretion of the organizer.

大 坑 火 龍

一連三天,近300人舞動著長達67公尺、 插上逾萬枝線香的火龍飛舞,煞是壯觀! 意想不到的是,這項有逾百年歷史的舞火龍習俗,就在銅鑼灣繁華的購物區附近展開!

一片鑼鼓聲中,火龍穿梭大坑一帶的大街小巷,頓時煙香繚繞、火光閃爍,充滿生氣! 這道香港獨有的美麗風景,源於19世紀居民為求消除瘟疫而起, 如今更成為國家級非物質文化遺產。

When the people of Tai Hang village miraculously stopped a plague with a fire dragon dance in the 19th century, they inadvertently launched a tradition that has since become part of China's official intangible cultural heritage.

Tai Hang may no longer be a village, but its locals still recreate the fiery ancient ritual today with a whopping 300 performers, 72,000 incense sticks and a 67-metre dragon.

The head of this beast alone weighs 48kg, so it’s not a creature to be taken lightly! The commemorative performance wends its way in fire, smoke and festive fury through the backstreets of Tai Hang over three moon-fuelled days.


Hong Kong Tourism Board
20hktb wiki facebook 2

民政事務局局長曾德成今日(六月三日)表示,很高興得悉本港四個非物質文化遺產項目-長洲太平清醮 、 大澳端午龍舟遊涌、 大坑 舞火龍和香港潮人盂蘭勝會,成功列入第三批國家級非物質文化遺產名錄, 特區政府將與活動的主辦團體密切聯繫, 落實具體措施,以保護、推廣和承傳這些文化遺產。
香港特別行政區政府於二○○九年九月向國家申請將該四項目列入 第三批國家級非物質文化遺產名錄, 而是次申報的四個項目,皆屬於聯合國教科文組織《保護非物質文化遺產公約》 所界定的「社會實踐、儀式、 節慶活動」類別。曾德成說:「有關項目都具有鮮明特色和文化價值,在現代化都市中, 仍能在地區社群內世代傳承, 並繼續發揮凝聚社區的功能,實在難能可貴。
該四個項目成功列入第三批國家 級非物質文化遺產名錄, 顯示它們的文化價值得到肯定和認同。」
「特區政府會繼續致力保存和推廣本地的非物質文化遺產, 並且鼓勵民間參與,令香港的文化傳統得以延續和發展。」 曾德成續說, 特區政府現正就全港非物質文化遺產進行普查, 預計於二○一二年完成, 屆時可根據普查資料制訂香港首份非物質文化遺產清單,有助制訂更全面的具體保護措施。


活動已傳承了百多年。據島民相傳,清代晚期,長洲曾發生瘟疫,島民死亡枕藉。為求消災,居民延請高僧喃嘸, 在北帝廟前設壇拜懺,超渡水陸孤魂,更奉北帝神像綏靖遊行街道,之後,瘟疫果然停止。自此以後, 島民每年皆舉辦太平清醮,酬謝北帝神恩,保境平安。百多年來,長洲島居民為驅瘟逐疫,保境安民, 一年一度舉辦太平清醮, 從未間斷。節慶的豐富傳統內涵,在居民持續多年的參與中,得以傳承發展。

每年端午節,大澳三個傳統漁業行會,即扒艇行、鮮魚行和合心堂,均舉辦傳統「龍舟遊涌」宗教活動。 三個行會成員於農曆五月初四早上划着龍舟、拖着神艇,到大澳四間廟宇「接神」,請出代表楊侯、天后、 關帝、洪聖的小神像,接返各行會供奉祭祀,並於翌日端午節進行遊神活動。儀式活動過後, 會把小神像送返各廟宇。這項獨特的祭祀活動已傳承了超過一百年。

活動亦有百多年歷史。大坑本來是一條客家村,據傳於一八八○年,大坑曾發生瘟疫,為消災滅瘟, 村民紮作一條龍,上面插滿香枝,在中秋前後,即農曆八月十四、十五、十六三個晚上, 舞動着火龍繞村遊行, 以保大坑合境平安。

香港的潮籍人士約一百二十多萬,他們積極傳承潮汕的人文風俗。每年一度歷時一個月的中元節, 旅港潮人均舉辦盂蘭勝會, 於農曆七月初一起舉行,直至七月底止,至今已有一百多年的歷史。 主要活動是祭祀祖先及陰曹無祀孤鬼,包括鬼門關、 燒街衣、盂蘭節忌諱、盂蘭節神功戲、大士王、平安米、 福物競投等。 

20113日(星期五) 香港時間17

Press Releases

Four traditional activities from Hong Kong successfully inscribed onto
the national list of intangible cultural heritage

The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, said today (June 3) that he was pleased to see four local intangible cultural heritage items, the Cheung Chau Jiao Festival, the Tai O dragon boat water parade, the Tai Hang fire dragon dance and the Yu Lan Ghost Festival of the Hong Kong Chiu Chow community, had been successfully inscribed onto the third national list of intangible cultural heritage. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)will liaise closely with the bearer organisations to take forward measures for preserving, promoting and transmitting these parts of Hong Kong's cultural heritage. In September 2009,the HKSAR Government submitted an application for these four items to be inscribed onto the third national list of intangible cultural heritage. And the four items fall within the category of "social practices, rituals and festive events" set out in the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Mr Tsang Tak-sing said, "These four items all have unique characteristics and cultural value. In spite of modernisation and urbanisation, they have been passed on from generation to generation and helped maintain the bonds of people in local communities, which has made the events particularly valuable. The cultural significance of these four items is recognised by their being inscribed onto the third national list of intangible cultural heritage.

We will continue our commitment to preserving and promoting local heritage and will also encourage the participation of the community in supporting the continuation and development of Hong Kong's traditional culture." Mr Tsang also said, "The HKSAR Government is now conducting a territory-wide survey of intangible cultural heritage in Hong Kong that is expected to complete in 2012. The first inventory of Hong Kong's intangible cultural heritage will be compiled using data collected through;Details of the four items successfully inscribed onto the third national list of intangible cultural heritage are as follows:

(1) Cheung Chau Jiao Festival
The activity has been practised for more than 100 years. Cheung Chau was devastated by a plague in the late Qing dynasty. Local residents set up a sacrificial altar in front of Pak Tai Temple to pray to the god Pak Tai to drive off evil spirits. The residents even paraded deity statues through the village lanes. The plague ceased after performance of the ritual. Since then, residents on Cheung Chau have organised a Jiao Festival every year to express thanks to the god for blessing and protecting them. With residents' participation every year, the ritual has been passed down through the generations.

(2) Tai O dragon boat water parade.
During the annual Dragon Boat Festival, three fishermen's associations, Pa Teng, Sin Yu Heung and Hap Sim Tong, organise a religious activity known as the dragon boat water parade. On the morning before the festival, the associations row their dragon boats to visit four temples in Tai O, where they receive statues of Yeung Hou, Tin Hau, Kwan Tei and Hung Shing. They carry the deity statues back to their associations' hall for worship. On the day of the festival, the deity statues are put on sacred sampans towed by the associations' dragon boats to parade through Tai O's waters. The deity statues are returned to the respective temples after the ritual. This unique religious activity has been preserved for more than a century.

(3) Tai Hang fire dragon dance
The event has been held for more than 100 years. Tai Hang was originally a Hakka village. Legend has it that a plague broke out there in 1880, and to ward off the disease the villagers planted joss sticks in a dragon-shaped form. On the evening of the 14th, 15th and 16th of the eighth lunar month, the villagers paraded the fire dragon through the village and let off firecrackers. The plague ended after the event. From then on, the villagers have performed a three-day fire dragon dance every year to bless themselves.

(4) Yu Lan Ghost Festival of the Hong Kong
Chiu Chow community There are about 1.2 million people originating from Chiu Chow in Hong Kong who actively carry on their traditions. During the ghost festival, which lasts for a month every year, the Chiu Chow people in Hong Kong organise the Yu Lan Festival that starts from the first day of the seventh lunar month and continues until the end of that month. Having been held for more than 100 years, the festival is to offer sacrifices to ancestors and the wandering ghosts in the netherworld. The main activities include burning incense and joss papers, performing live Chinese operas and dramas for ghosts, distributing auspicious rice and auctioning auspicious objects.

Ends/Friday, June 3, 2011 Issued at HKT 17:49


本港四個非物質文化遺產項目──西貢坑口客家麒麟舞、黃大仙信俗、全真道堂科儀音樂和古琴藝術, 成功列入第四批國家級非物質文化遺產代表性項目名錄。該份名錄日前由國務院公布。 因應國家文化部於二○一三年九月邀請就列入國家級非物質文化遺產作申報,香港特別行政區政府(特區政府) 於去年十一月申報期截止前,在徵詢了非物質文化遺產諮詢委員會的意見後,向文化部提交了申報文件。
是次成功申報的四個項目,涵蓋聯合國教科文組織《保護非物質文化遺產公約》所界定的「表演藝術」、「社會實踐、儀式、節慶活動」和「傳統手工藝」等類別,具有突出的歷史和文化價值, 並且在社區或相關範疇中具相當的代表性。



(二) 黃大仙信俗黃大仙信俗初起於浙江金華地區,明清之際傳入嶺南。本港的黃大仙信俗奠基於一九一五年。 一九二一年嗇色園正式成立,以管理黃大仙祠事務。經過百年傳承,時至今日,黃大仙信仰發展出宗教與慈善結合的特色, 在香港以至海外華人社區廣為流傳。嗇色園一直配合社會發展創辦各類社會服務,體現「有求必應」的精神。

(三) 全真道堂科儀音樂
道家科儀音樂為傳統宗教儀式中採用的音樂,可分為「正一」及「全真」兩個傳統。 道家的全真道堂科儀音樂在香港已發展多年, 而蓬瀛仙館傳承的道教音樂,可說是香港全真道堂科儀音樂的其中一個典型代表,其科儀音樂在香港經過幾十年的傳承, 發展出具本地特色的傳統,如科儀演唱的經韻腔調受粵曲、粵劇、廣東小曲及儒、釋等宗教音樂的影響。

(四) 古琴藝術
古琴藝術包括古琴製作技藝,古琴製作雅稱「斲琴」,即把木削劈成琴器,當中需經「尋、斲、挖、鑲、合、灰、磨、漆、絃」九個步驟。 本港的斲琴技藝奠基於浙派琴家徐文鏡,一九五○年代他將斲琴技藝傳予「蔡福記」樂器廠少東蔡昌壽, 徐氏斲琴一脈,從此植根於香港。蔡昌壽開辦斲琴研究班,將技藝公開傳授本港琴人, 使斲琴傳統手工藝在本港得以傳承。
國務院分別於二○○六年、二○○八年及二○一一年公布了三批共1 219項國家級非物質文化遺產。 粵港澳三地政府聯合申報,並成功將粵劇和涼茶列入首批國家級非物質文化遺產的名錄中。
二○一一年公布的第三批名錄中,香港有四個項目成功列入,包括長洲太平清醮、大澳端午龍舟遊涌、 大坑舞火龍和香港潮人盂蘭勝會。特區政府將會繼續致力保存和推廣本地的非物質文化遺產,並且鼓勵民間參與,令香港的文化傳統得以延續和發展。



Press Releases
Four local ICH items successfully inscribed onto national list of intangible cultural heritage
Four intangible cultural heritage (ICH) items from Hong Kong have been successfully inscribed onto the fourth national list of ICH. They are the Hang Hau Hakka Unicorn Dance, Wong Tai Sin Belief and Customs, Quanzhen Temples Taoist Ritual Music and the Arts of the Guqin. The list was announced by the State Council earlier. At the invitation of the Ministry of Culture in September 2013 on application for inscription onto the national list of ICH, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government submitted the application prior to the deadline in November last year after consulting the views of the experts of the ICH Advisory Committee. The four successfully inscribed items are in the categories of "performing arts", "social practices, rituals and festive events" and "traditional craftsmanship" defined by the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage promulgated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. With outstanding historical and cultural value, these four items are representative of their kind.

Details of the four items are as follows:

(1) Hang Hau Hakka Unicorn Dance
The activity has been practised for more than 200 years. The Hakka people believe the Chinese unicorn, the qilin, is an auspicious animal that can ward off evil and bring good luck. So, on all celebratory occasions such as Chinese New Year, weddings, birthday parties, the inauguration of an ancestral hall, moving into a new home, welcoming guests, the Jiao festival and birthdays of deities, there would invariably be a unicorn dance. Since the Hakka people brought the unicorn dance,
fusing local traditional music and martial arts, with them to Hong Kong, the unicorn dance has developed its own styles and sequence of movements.

(2) Wong Tai Sin Belief and Customs
The folk religion of Wong Tai Sin originated in the Jinhua area of Zhejiang Province and was introduced into the Lingnan region at the turn of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Local Wong Tai Sin belief and customs originated in 1915. In 1921 Sik Sik Yuen was established to manage the Wong Tai Sin Temple. After a century of inheritance, nowadays the folk religion of Wong Tai Sin has developed in conjunction with charitable features and has been widely circulated in Hong Kong and overseas Chinese communities. Sik Sik Yuen has founded various social services for the local community, achieving Wong Tai Sin's "grant every wish" spirit.

(3) Quanzhen Temples Taoist Ritual Music
Taoist ritual music consists of Zhengyi (Orthodox Unity School) and Quanzhen (Complete Perfection School) traditions. The Quanzhen Temples Taoist Ritual Music has been developed in Hong Kong for many years. The Taoist music inherited by Fung Ying Seen Koon is considered one of the most typical representatives of the Quanzhen temples tradition in Hong Kong. After decades of inheritance in Hong Kong, the liturgical music of Fung Ying Seen Koon has evolved into a kind of Taoist music with local characteristics under the influence of Cantonese opera and its singing style, Cantonese tunes, and other religious music genres such as Confucian and Buddhist music.

(4) The Arts of the Guqin
The Arts of the Guqin include the techniques for making the qin (a seven-stringed plucked instrument). Qin making is a craft that starts with chopping and trimming a piece of wood, and involves nine steps, namely seeking, chopping, hollowing, fitting, assembling, cement priming, sanding, lacquering and stringing, until it reaches the final stage of becoming an instrument.
Local craftsmanship of qin making can be traced back to Xu Wenjing, a master qin player of the Zhejiang school (pai). He taught the craft to Choi Chang-sau, whose family operated the Choi Fook Kee musical instrument shop, in the 1950s.
Choi Chang-sau started the Qin Making Class, teaching the craft publicly to local qin players so that it can be perpetuated in Hong Kong. The State Council announced three batches totalling 1 219 items inscribed onto the national list of ICH in 2006, 2008 and 2011. The governments of Guangdong, the HKSAR and the Macau Special Administrative Region jointly applied and succeeded in inscribing Cantonese opera and traditional herbal teas onto the national list of ICH. In 2011, four local ICH items, the Cheung Chau Jiao Festival, the Tai O dragon boat water parade, the Tai Hang fire dragon dance and the Yu Lan Ghost Festival of the Hong Kong Chiu Chow community, were successfully inscribed onto the third national list of ICH. The HKSAR Government will continue its commitment to preserving and promoting local ICH and will also encourage the participation of the community in supporting the transmission and development of Hong Kong's traditional culture.

Ends/Friday, December 5, 2014 Issued at HKT 19:57


香港兩個非物質文化遺產項目──香港天后誕和香港中式長衫製作技藝,成功列入國務院早前公布的第五批 《國家級非物質文化遺產代表性項目名錄》(《名錄》)。 因應國家文化和旅遊部於二○一九年六月邀請,就列入《名錄》作申報,香港特別行政區政府在徵詢了非物質文化遺產諮詢委員會的意見後, 向文化和旅遊部提交了申報文件。是次成功申報的兩個項目,涵蓋聯合國教育、科學及文化組織《保護非物質文化遺產公約》所界定的 「社會實踐、儀式、節慶活動」和「傳統手工藝」類別,具有突出的歷史和文化價值,並且在社區或相關範疇中具相當的代表性。 兩個項目在二○一四年及二○一七年先後列入《香港首份非物質文化遺產清單》及《香港非物質文化遺產代表作名錄》。 


 天后信仰在香港有着悠久的歷史。相傳於南宋時期,在西貢佛堂門已建有天后廟。每年農曆三月二十三日天后誕或另外選定的日子, 香港各社區會舉行不同規模的賀誕活動,一些地方團體會籌辦粵劇神功戲、抽花炮等活動以酬謝神恩,甚至舉行海上或陸上巡遊。

中式長衫源遠流長,在民國初年日漸流行。二次世界大戰後,大量上海裁縫師傅來港,豐富了本地長衫的製作工藝, 更融合西式裁剪方法,形成香港獨特的長衫製作技藝。香港的中式長衫昔日原是婦女的日常服裝,現時已成為重要場合的優雅衣着。 男裝長衫在新界傳統中是宗族長輩的身分象徵,有重要的社會意義,亦是出席隆重場合如宗族春秋二祭和大型社區慶典包括太平清醮等的正裝。 國務院分別於二○○六年、二○○八年、二○一一及二○一四年公布了四批共1 372項國家級非物質文化遺產列入《名錄》。 粵港澳三地政府聯合申報,並成功將粵劇和涼茶列入首批《名錄》。香港有四個項目成功列入二○一一年公布的第三批《名錄》, 包括長洲太平清醮、大澳端午龍舟遊涌、大坑舞火龍和香港潮人盂蘭勝會。香港亦有四個項目成功列入二○一四年公布的第四批《名錄》, 包括西貢坑口客家舞麒麟、黃大仙信俗、全真道堂科儀音樂和古琴藝術。政府將會繼續致力保存和推廣本地的非物質文化遺產,並且鼓勵民間參與,令香港的傳統文化得以延續和發展。

Two local ICH items successfully inscribed onto National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Two intangible cultural heritage (ICH) items from Hong Kong, the Tin Hau Festival in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong cheongsam making technique, have been successfully inscribed onto the Fifth National List of ICH announced by the State Council earlier. At the invitation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China in June 2019 to apply for inscription onto the National List of ICH, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government submitted the application after consulting the views of the experts of the ICH Advisory Committee. The two successfully inscribed items are in the categories of "social practices, rituals and festive events" and "traditional craftsmanship" defined by the Convention for the Safeguarding of the ICH promulgated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. With outstanding historical and cultural value, these two items are representative of their kind. Both items were also inscribed onto the First ICH Inventory of Hong Kong and the Representative List of the ICH of Hong Kong in 2014 and 2017 respectively.

Details of the two items are as follows:

(1) Tin Hau Festival in Hong Kong
The Tin Hau belief has a long history in Hong Kong. It is believed that the Tin Hau Temple located in Joss House Bay, Sai Kung, was built in the Southern Song dynasty. Every year, on the 23rd day of the third lunar month, or on other designated dates, the birthday of Tin Hau is celebrated in different scales in various districts. Some local organisations stage Cantonese opera performances to express gratitude to Tin Hau, and organise the fa pau lots drawing ceremony. Some may also hold parades along waterways or on land. (2) Hong Kong cheongsam making technique
The origin of the cheongsam dates back to decades ago and it became popular during the early Republican period. After World War II, many tailors moved from Shanghai to Hong Kong. As a consequence, the craftsmanship of the Hong Kong cheongsam was enriched and Western sewing skills were taken up, resulting in the uniqueness of the Hong Kong cheongsam making technique. Once everyday attire for Hong Kong women, the elegant dress can these days be seen at special occasions. The men's cheongsam is a symbol of the seniority of clan elders in the New Territories, and carries important social significance. The men's cheongsam was recognised as formal wear for attending important occasions such as the spring and autumn ancestral worship of clans and other large community celebrations including the Jiao Festival. The State Council announced four batches totalling 1 372 items inscribed onto the National List of ICH in 2006, 2008, 2011 and 2014.
The governments of Guangdong, the HKSAR and the Macao Special Administrative Region jointly applied and succeeded in inscribing Cantonese opera and herbal tea onto the First National List of ICH. In 2011, four local ICH items, namely the Cheung Chau Jiao Festival, the Tai O dragon boat water parade, the Tai Hang fire dragon dance and the Yu Lan Festival of the Hong Kong Chiu Chow community, were successfully inscribed onto the Third National List of ICH. In 2014, four local ICH items, namely the Hakka unicorn dance in Hang Hau in Sai Kung, the Wong Tai Sin belief and customs, the Quanzhen Temples Taoist ritual music and the arts of the guqin, were successfully inscribed onto the Fourth National List of ICH. The Government will continue its commitment to preserving and promoting local ICH and will also encourage the participation of the community in supporting the transmission and development of Hong Kong's traditional culture.

Trad1 Trad2 Trad3
Cheung Chau Jiao Festival
Tai O dragon boat water parade
Tai Hang fire dragon dance
Trad4 Trad5 Trad6
Yu Lan Ghost Festival of the
Hong Kong Chiu Chow community
Tin Hau Festival in Hong Kong
Hong Kong cheongsam making technique

wts gold saikung
黃大仙信俗 全真道堂科儀音樂

tea opera piano






時間:2023-09-23 04:02:55








Hong Kong ICH item selected as one of the Remarkable Examples of Good Practice

for Safeguarding the National ICH Items (with photos) The Mid-Autumn Festival - the Tai Hang fire dragon dance, a local intangible cultural heritage (ICH) item, has been selected as one of the Remarkable Examples of Good Practice for Safeguarding the National ICH Items by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in recognition of the efforts of various sectors in Hong Kong in safeguarding this ICH item. The ministry launched the selection of the Remarkable Examples of good safeguarding practice by calling for nominations of the qualified ICH items from across the country in March this year. The ministry selected the outstanding items based on criteria such as whether the safeguarding work complied with the Convention for the Safeguarding of the ICH adopted by UNESCO, respected the leading role of the bearers, and formulated and implemented targeted safeguarding measures according to the actual situations of the ICH items. Among the 347 nominated items, the Mid-Autumn Festival - the Tai Hang fire dragon dance has been awarded as one of the 50 items showcasing good safeguarding practice. The selected items have not only received high commendation from the ministry for the safeguarding work carried out in the regions, but also serve as role models for other ICH items of the same category.

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has long been maintaining close contact with the related bearers and bearer organisation. A variety of public education activities have also been held regularly by the ICH Office under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, such as fire dragon crafting workshops, exhibitions and talks, allowing the bearers to introduce to members of the public the history of the Tai Hang fire dragon dance and its crafting techniques. With support from different sectors of the community, the Tai Hang fire dragon dance has successfully transformed from a district-based event into one of the most iconic festive events in Hong Kong. The Tai Hang fire dragon dance has been held for more than 100 years. Tai Hang was originally a Hakka village which reportedly once suffered from plague. Since the epidemic, villagers in Tai Hang have performed a three-day fire dragon dance to ask for blessings during the Mid-Autumn Festival in the eighth lunar month every year.
With the founding of the Tai Hang Residents' Welfare Association, a successor system was established to pass on the knowledge and skills required for the fire dragon dance to the next generation systematically. The Tai Hang fire dragon dance was inscribed onto the third national list of ICH in 2011.

For more information on local ICH and related activities, please visit the ICH Office's website at www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/ICHO/




The Mid-Autumn Festival - the Tai Hang fire dragon dance has been selected as one of the Remarkable Examples of Good Practice for Safeguarding the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Items by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Photo shows the Tai Hang fire dragon dance.

中秋節——大坑舞火龍獲國家文化和旅遊部列入「國家級非物質文化遺產(非遺)代表性項目優秀保護實踐案例」。 圖示參加者在非遺辦事處舉辦的火龍紮作工作坊向傳承人學習紮火龍。

The Mid-Autumn Festival - the Tai Hang fire dragon dance has been selected as one of the Remarkable Examples of Good Practice for Safeguarding the National Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Items by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Photo shows participants learning from an ICH bearer how to craft a fire dragon in a workshop held by the ICH Office.




Tai Hang Residents’ Welfare Association
121 Tung Lo Wan Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
Tel : 2577-2649 / 2577-2640
Fax : 2808-4912
Email :taihangresidents@yahoo.com.hk

Website: http://www.taihangrwa.hk
